You are Nine Sweet Boy of Mine

At 8:50 PM January 26, 2006, my son announced his arrival with a loud scream, which was followed by me exclaiming “he looks like Mick Jagger!” My husband has it on tape for our family archives. In my defense, he scraped his lips on the way out and they blew up like Mike Jagger’s. As the smallest baby born that day, he was affectionately named Peanut by the nurses. Once he got over the labor and delivery, he became the sweetest baby in the hospital gurgling and laughing. When we left the hospital, we secured him in his infant carrier and drive slowly home. We were terrified. What did we get ourselves into? How are we going to keep this tiny baby alive? But, like many other new parents, we managed to find a way. And, today he turned 9 years old. Happy Birthday sweet boy of mine!